
The Xval project is a toolkit for investigating the depth uncertainties arising from vertical depth conversion, specifically for the oil and gas industry.

Xval is freely available. It is released under version 2 of the GPL.

Key features:



A virtual Linux machine has been created, with all the required software and dependencies installed. The version of Xval on r2 of this virtual machine is up-to-date as of May 2017, but can easily be updated within the virtual machine.

The image is in OVF format, and is compatible with VirtualBox (free) and VMWare.

Note that you will need the VirtualBox Extension Pack installed (Preferences -> Extensions within the VirtualBox software) otherwise you will get a black screen and an error message.

The image can be downloaded from the Download link.

If you have any problems with the virtual machine image, please report a bug via the SourceForge page.

For developers or if the latest version is needed

The software is written entirely in Perl and runs on Windows (under cygwin), Linux and Mac OS-X.

The recommended way of installing the software is to clone the git repository (under the 'Code' section). The tar.bz2 file download tends to be somewhat out of date.

The project has the following external dependencies, all of which are freely available: